OS : Windows .net6.0
source code : https://github.com/sasayaki-japan/MDTracer
license : MIT License.
MD Tracer allows you to enjoy SEGA MegaDrive (Genesis) games just like a typical emulator, but its main purpose is as a tracer that tracks the internal processing of the MegaDrive hardware and software.
All processing (MC68000, Z80, VDP, YM2612, PSG) is coded in VisualStadio’s c# language and .net, making it easy to understand the internal processing of the hardware.
The software also displays MC68000 programs in disassembled form, allowing you to stop them at any point and check the values of memory, registers, etc. while stepping through the program.
Enjoy the amazing technology and wisdom of the engineers of the time from both the hardware and software perspectives.
Note: This program is not intended for playing games illegally. Its purpose is to help users understand and appreciate the ingenuity of the engineers who created this remarkable technology.
This program provides the following features:
-Draws a virtual screen and allows you to check the contents
-Displays the program in assembler and allows you to stop it at any point
-Displays the values of the MC68000 and VDP registers
-Displays a function relationship diagram and allows you to know where it stopped
-Searches for the places where the MC68000 accesses the VDP or Z80
-Can stop at the point where specified memory is referenced/updated
This program is entirely written in C# and .NET.
It can be compiled using Visual Studio 2022.

This tracer has been confirmed to work only with the following games that I legally own.
Verified Titles:
【JAPAN Version】
Space Harrier II
Super Thunder Blade
Altered Beast
Phantasy Star
Thunder Force II
Ghouls’n Ghosts
Super Hang-On
Super Shinobi
Golden Axe III
After Burner II
Phantasy Star III
Thunder Force III
Super Monaco GP
Strider Hiryuu
FZ Senki Axis
Burning Force
Musha Aleste
Sonic The Hedgehog
Bare Knuckle
Thunder Force IV
Castlevania – Bloodlines
Super Fantasy Zone
Galaxy Force II
Panorama Cotton
Dynamite Headdy
Battle Mania Daiginjou
Gunstar Heroes
【USA version】
■unimplemented features
mmc(address 0xa13000-)
Sega Genesis Manual: Genesis Technical Overview v1.00 (1991)(Sega)(US)
YM2608 OPNA application manual
sn76489 user manual, Texas Instruments
MC68000 16-Bit Microprocessor User’s Manual, MOTOROLA, 1981
Z80 CPU User Manual – Zilog
I created it with reference to the regular manual, but I referred to the following materials for the parts that are not written in the manual
Sega Genesis VDP documentation(by Charles MacDonald)
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2019 Stephane Dallongeville